Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

Photoshop Tutorial: A Guide to Guides 01: Create & Edit Original Art

Create & Edit Original Art

Digital Artists’ Techniques for Creating and Editing Original Art Work

Explore tips and techniques for creating and editing original art work in Photoshop. Includes tutorials for drawing, painting, coloring, cartooning and adding enhancements to original artwork.
Video: How to Use Bristle Tip in Adobe Photoshop CS5
A new feature in the Photoshop’s painting tools, the bristle tip brush adds highly realistic and precise painting effects. Learn how to use the bristle tip.
Video: Mixer Brush in Photoshop CS5
The mixer brush in Photoshop creates painted artwork affects. Learn how to use the mixer brush, as well as efficient tips and tricks.
Create a Snow Globe in Photoshop
Use Photoshop 6.0 (or higher) to create a snow globe from scratch. You’ll learn about highlights and shading, layer sets, clipping groups, working with custom shapes, blend modes, layer effects, and more.
Create a Rainbow in Photoshop
Use a gradient fill and the polar coordinates filter to create a rainbow in Photoshop (any version).
Photoshop CS5 Digital Painting Tutorial
From TwinPixels: “One of the exciting new features in Photoshop CS5 is the more natural way of painting, opening new ways to express your creativity – even if (like me) you’re not a true painter. In this tutorial I will show you the techniques and the tricks to convert a photo into a great-looking painting.”
Al Mackey’s Photoshop Tutorial
“This tutorial is aimed at people who are artistically inclined but may not know much about digital paint programs, and covers digital inking, coloring, shading, and some basic effects used to produce cartoon-like imagery.”
Broken by Dhabih Eng
Dhabih Eng explains his process for creating comic-style illustrations with Photoshop 3.0 using layers, the dodge/burn tools, airbrush and paintbrush.
Chroma-Cell Coloring Effect in Photoshop 5.5
Aaron Bieber describes the process of creating a cell animation coloring effect in Photoshop. Covers creating and tracing the sketch, coloring, and adding the highlight and shadow areas.
Draw a cigarette from scratch.
Colouring a Robot in Photoshop
“This Photoshop tutorial shows a step by step breakdown of how I went about shading one of my concept robots. This tutorial will also show you how to cut down your time spent shading.” -Troy Packer
Colouring Line Art by Melissa Clifton
“The tutorial that follows shows MY way of colouring using Photoshop. I do not claim to be a Photoshop expert by any means, this is just the technique I use. It’s a really good way of colouring/shading your pictures if you are indecisive about the colour palette, as you can easily change the colours at any stage!”
Digital Coloring Part 2
“In this tutorial we will learn how to digitally render line art like they do in the comics. The following procedure is not the only way its done, but it is one of the methods used by professionals.”
Digital Coloring
Find out how to apply comic book style coloring to line art. Intermediate Level for Adobe Photoshop 6.0
Digital Colouring with Photoshop
“This step by step tutorial explains the process of creating multi-tonal colouring for realistic detail in digital art. Learn how to colour your own creature designs and more.” -Troy Packer
Digital Painting Steps- Adobe Photoshop 7 Tutorial
Walkthrough of how a digital painting is done in Adobe Photoshop. This tutorial assumes a comfortable level of proficiency with Adobe Photoshop and the brush settings.
Digital Pop Art: Unleash Your Inner Warhol
From “Learn how to transform ordinary images into stylized pop art with Photoshop and Illustrator. Roy Lichtenstein would be proud of your efforts, too.”
Freehand Painting with Photoshop
“Learn how to make a custom brush and then use it to create vibrant, freehand paintings. This tutorial gives a breakdown of how I created one of my pictures, with some helpful tips along the way.” -Troy Packer
“This small tutorial will show the methods I use to create grass, everything was created using Adobe Photoshop 5.5 and a mouse.”
Light Bulbs from Scratch
Step-by-step lesson to create a light bulb from scratch. Also explains how to make an animation from it. PSP5.
Painting a Photorealistic Tree Frog in Photoshop
Digital painting tutorial by Richard Harris.
Painting Clouds in Adobe Photoshop
“This digital painting tutorial requires the use of Adobe Photoshop. I used Adobe Photoshop 7 but older versions of Photoshop can be used as well (as early as 5.5) and assumes that you have a stylus and tablet (Wacom or otherwise). This can be attempted with a mouse but you would have to adjust all your brush settings, like opacity and size manually.”
Pencil Sketch to Smooth Digital Shading
“This step by step tutorial shows how I convert my pencil sketches in to polished digital art. Learn how to use the smudge tool on pencil sketches to create smooth digital shading.” -Troy Packer
Photoshop Painting Techniques: Hair and Fur
“In the olden days, there weren’t any really great ways to create hair and fur effects. But Photoshop 7 will allow you to design your hair strand by strand and generate a highly complex effect with little effort.”
Create a rainbow using custom gradients and layer opacity. For version 5.5 and 6.0. Several examples of uses for this technique.
Scanning Line Art
A method for achieving a quality scan of black and white line art, particularly for the purposes of coloring in Photoshop. Beginner level for Adobe Photoshop

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